DAY 11 Refugio Grande Paine

Feeling refreshed from a good sleep and breakfast I planned to take the Catamaran which connects Lago Pehoe to a part of the “W” or main hiking trail of the park. One can reserve a bed, with or without sheets, and blankets in a few of the refugios in the park conveniently offering an alternative to hike the trails with all ones gear.
I made the boat, just barely, having misread the schedule and I ran up to the boat as the only traveler pulling a bag with wheels. The Catamaran was packed with hikers making their way to this part of the circuit all carrying back packs. The incongruence of my traveling gear amongst theirs gave me a chuckle. If the staff was equally amused they never let on, but I think I was the only one whose bag they loaded on and off the boat.

The Refugio Grande Paine is a large, carefully designed building that blends fairly unobtrusively into its environment and houses a dining area, bar, and numerous dormitory style beds.

As a part of the “W,” there is a hike of 14kms. I thought I would give it a try, but after my arduous ride the day before, my muscles were disinclined toward any major efforts.There are many hikes in my past where the pace lent itself to my looking mostly at my feet, but today because of my slow pace, I took in the sights that I would have likely passed by. About 6kms was all I could manage, but wildflowers, the exquisite silver bark of trees burnt in a fire some years back, numerous birds serenading me from branches just an arm length way, and the magnificent lake that dodged in and out of view was a wondrous reward for my efforts. Although I had not made it to my proposed destination, the riches of the day far outweighed any feelings of disappointment. On the contrary it was a reminder of what we often miss out on when the end supersedes the journey in importance.

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