P1040749Thank you subscribers and readers for taking the time to visit my blog!!

I’ll be back on Monday and would be delighted, in the meantime, if you would look through my previous posts. Perhaps you missed a few or will reread one with a new perspective.There is a list of all the previous posts by title and date.

Since the configuration of the site may differ on your browser, perhaps you have not noticed the tabs which offer some additional information:Why this blog?, Photographs, How I Began, etc.

You can search certain posts by category: Practical Advice, Thoughts on Oneself, Snapshots, etc.

All of these may be at the very bottom of the posts.

I hope you find information and inspiration in the text and images.

While traveling I may not be posting each day. To be notified when I have written a new post please subscribe. I would be delighted if you would sign up.

Thank you for taking the time to read my post! Welcome to the tales of a woman solo traveler and thoughts to make today the start of something new. I hope you find information and inspiration in the text and images and join me in my quest for growth, wonderment and self-improvement

Here’s to new discoveries near and far!

Enjoy the days.


P1020439While leaving a shop the other day, I heard a disembodied voice saying “Your destination is on the left.” then watched a man make that turn to enter.

Many people are quite fond of their GPS’s but I had previously only heard one while riding in a car. Was it really so difficult to locate this store without the use of technology?

Sci-fi films have long shown robots playing a role in our world for better or for worse, but the robots are always machines.No matter how life-like they look on the outside, their interiors are gadgets and circuitry.

Is it possible that we all got it wrong, and the next generation of robots is us?

More and more of our decision making is being dictated by computers: how we get to our destinations, where we go to eat, what movies we see, what books and articles we read, what music we listen to, and how we are to think. Public opinion has long played a role in our lives but the smallest choices are now guided-programmed- by the social media, apps, and websites we are referring to with an unprecedented frequency.

My upbringing in this society has already molded, to a great extent, the choices I make and opinions I have, but I am not ready to give up what is left of my free will. I prefer to risk making some mistakes, taking a few wrong turns, and making some less than perfect decisions of my own.

Thank you for taking the time to read my post! Welcome to the tales of a woman solo traveler and thoughts to make today the start of something new. I hope you find information and inspiration in the text and images and join me in my quest for growth, wonderment and self-improvement


IMG_4964In the course of my travels I have had many meaningful encounters even if they are short-lived. The brevity of time does not lessen the quality nor the profundity of the meeting.

What begins with a simple hello evolves into an immediate rapport and feeling of trust. We may share more details of our lives, thoughts and dreams than with those we have known for years. Perhaps knowing that the time is fleeting precipitates this accord.

On a few occasions these moments have established the beginning of a lasting friendship, but usually all that remains is the memory of our walk, talk, meal, or few days of traveling together as we bid adieu and continue on our way.

Thank you for taking the time to read my post! Welcome to the tales of a woman solo traveler and thoughts to make today the start of something new. I hope you find information and inspiration in the text and images and join me in my quest for growth, wonderment and self-improvement


P1040382Over the years it has not been unusual to meet someone in my travels and be invited to their home for a short stay. I have reciprocated such kindnesses as well. For many people, inviting a stranger into their home does not come readily but to this date I have not regretted a single invitation either way.

Some years ago a bonafide site, Couchsurfing , was created; it brings people together from 100+ countries and is primarily a means to exchange a cultural encounter with a place to stay. The guest might offer a gift, a helping hand, or just some tales of their travels. It is defined by those who take part, but the exchange of money is not encouraged.

My curiosity was piqued when a couple offered to share their means of transportation, over the course of several days, in Mongolia for free. When I wished to help with the costs, they declined. “We are hosts of couchsurfers in Germany, you’ll be our couchsurfer here, while on the road.” I was very grateful and was sure to show my appreciation by cooking them breakfast, treating them to dinner and sending them a gift once I got home.

They had spoken highly of their hosting experiences so I decided to give it a try.  I received numerous responses (no surprise with all the people coming to NYC)  but for now, I have hosted only three; a woman from France, another from Hungary, and a man from Denmark. The experience was overall a positive one. I took delightful walks with two and chatted over something to eat with the third, but it was time consuming to respond to all the requests and organize the visits. Thus, I have already decided to take a break, but will consider it again. I enjoy the idea of meeting travelers while I am home and offering hospitality that has been shown to me.

If you are curious, check out the website.There are many ways to get involved. Apparently the original concept of platonic encounters, in certain instances, has been redefined, but profiles are required and it shouldn’t take too much effort to read between any lines. And don’t be put off by the sensationalized articles you are likely to find with a Google search. Once again the media  emphasizes the negative, but I found endless positive reports from couchsurfers as well. Like anything else use good judgement and common sense.

Perhaps you will say yes to hosting or participating in one of the ongoing Couchsurfing events.

Thank you for taking the time to read my post! Welcome to the tales of a woman solo traveler and thoughts to make today the start of something new. I hope you find information and inspiration in the text and images and join me in my quest for growth, wonderment and self-improvement


One of the primary considerations we have while traveling is insuring that our funds outlast our journey.Unfortunately there are endless ways to see our money leave our hands faster than it should.

One of the challenges of foreign travel is managing unfamiliar currency. It can be freeing when we momentarily pretend we are playing with Monopoly money but it can be disconcerting when we recognize that we have squandered away our precious savings.

P1040464We are rarely exempt from getting hit with at least one exorbitant bill. Perhaps it is from confusion, a misunderstanding, inattention or downright dishonesty.Perhaps after agreeing on an excursion we find ourselves with all these pricey additional fees. We may encounter an unscrupulous taxi driver who holds our bags ransom until he is paid his fraudulent fare. Perhaps the quality and value of some “treasure” we bought does not correspond to the amount we gave. We might order a “special” at a restaurant and fail to ask the price. Or we thought the expenses were going to be shared, but find ourselves-alone paying the entire bill.

Sometimes the incidents are less costly but no less disconcerting. Perhaps we exchange money on the street expecting a good rate only to find it wasn’t. Or we are quoted a price that seems fair, but realize too late that it should have been a fraction of that.

Unpleasant monetary experiences are never fun, and I’ve had my share, but I also try not to let it ruin my day nor influence my opinion of the land.

It helps to speak with others. Don’t rush into buying anything. Act confident and savvy, even if you may not feel it and do some research when you can. Negotiate all prices clearly before engaging in any service or purchase.  If possible, only use ATMs or banks you know, to get the local currency.

Do what you can to avoid any unpleasant life lessons but note that although caution and experience help, it is difficult to be entirely immune.

If/when it happens to you chalk it up, get your smile back and take note of the tale you now have to tell, even if it was hard won.

Thank you for taking the time to read my post! Welcome to the tales of a woman solo traveler and thoughts to make today the start of something new. I hope you find information and inspiration in the text and images and join me in my quest for growth, wonderment and self-improvement


P1040208I was reminded recently of an incident, many years ago, while visiting Copenhagen. I was only there for a few days and uncharacteristically failed to learn some basic expressions. The area I stayed in was largely populated by immigrants. I entered a small shop and asked in English, for whatever I was looking for. The response was unexpected. The shopkeeper spoke to me, in Danish, clearly annoyed. I had no idea what he was saying but he was definitely not pleased with me. I continued in English with some effort to understand what I had done wrong and only then did his demeanor change. It was evident that I was a tourist and was using the only language I had at hand. I came to understand that he had assumed that I was a Dane but speaking English thinking that he, as an immigrant, did not speak the language of the land. His protest had been to insure me that he spoke Danish as well as any native.

Somehow I forgot that moment while back here in NY. Sometime later I began speaking Spanish with a shopkeeper in a largely Latino community and saw a familiar displeasure as he answered me in English.

Now if I wish to speak Spanish with native speakers, I begin by explaining my desire to learn more and ask if I can practice.  The reaction is often one of delight and encouragement as they patiently share their knowledge and tell me how well I am speaking, even while I am fairly certain of the mistakes I have made.

Thank you for taking the time to read my post! Welcome to the tales of a woman solo traveler and thoughts to make today the start of something new. I hope you find information and inspiration in the text and images and join me in my quest for growth, wonderment and self-improvement


IMG_4002Thank you subscribers and readers for taking the time to visit my blog!!

I’ll be back on Monday and would be delighted, in the meantime, if you would look through my previous posts. Perhaps you missed a few or will reread one with a new perspective.There is a list of all the previous posts by title and date.

Since the configuration of the site may differ on your browser, perhaps you have not noticed the tabs which offer some additional information:Why this blog?, Photographs, How I Began, etc.

You can search certain posts by category: Practical Advice, Thoughts on Oneself, Snapshots, etc.

All of these may be at the very bottom of the posts.

I hope you find information and inspiration in the text and images.

While traveling I may not be posting each day. To be notified when I have written a new post please subscribe. I would be delighted if you would sign up.

Thank you for taking the time to read my post! Welcome to the tales of a woman solo traveler and thoughts to make today the start of something new. I hope you find information and inspiration in the text and images and join me in my quest for growth, wonderment and self-improvement

Here’s to new discoveries near and far!

Enjoy the day.


IMG_4008Thank you subscribers and readers for taking the time to visit my blog!!

I’ll be back on Monday and would be delighted, in the meantime, if you would look through my previous posts. Perhaps you missed a few or will reread one with a new perspective.There is a list of all the previous posts by title and date.

Since the configuration of the site may differ on your browser, perhaps you have not noticed the tabs which offer some additional information:Why this blog?, Photographs, How I Began, etc.

You can search certain posts by category: Practical Advice, Thoughts on Oneself, Snapshots, etc.

All of these may be at the very bottom of the posts.

I hope you find information and inspiration in the text and images.

While traveling I may not be posting each day. To be notified when I have written a new post please subscribe. I would be delighted if you would sign up.

Thank you for taking the time to read my post! Welcome to the tales of a woman solo traveler and thoughts to make today the start of something new. I hope you find information and inspiration in the text and images and join me in my quest for growth, wonderment and self-improvement

Here’s to new discoveries near and far!

Enjoy the days.


P1040823I am back home from Niagara Falls (for those who may have missed the previous posts), and now happily reflect upon my adventure.

The weather gods shone upon me the entire time, which made a road trip, sightseeing and camping a pleasure. The change of foliage was barely evident upon my departure and within one week evolved into a glorious spectacle, particularly in Pennsylvania, upon my return. I now await the local colors here to change.

My decision not to use a GPS was the right one. I enjoyed relying on paper maps, common sense and the kindness of strangers. Yes, I made a few wrong turns, at least one with a serendipitous result, but generally the roads were well marked and easy to navigate.

The State Parks of Chimney Bluffs, Fair Haven, Hamlin Beach impressed me with their diverse splendor: lake shore, forest, hiking trails, striking natural formations and even a craft fair. The staff, in good cheer, were knowledgeable and helpful.  One woman kindly spent considerable time picking out the best bundle of wood for my campfire and rummaging up the requisite newspaper and matches. (It’s true. I was not well prepared.) Camping was great. The grounds were spotless and, at least in my experience, the other guests were quiet and considerate.

I did not plan my lodgings in advance which only became somewhat stressful when I arrived in Ontario, near the Falls, and was offered a room for $360/night with no view. The other hotels nearby and more reasonable priced were completely full. But after I was advised to go a mile or two down Lundy’s Lane, I found a clean mom and pop motel for $74 with continental breakfast included.

And the magnificent Niagara Falls were all I could have hoped for. They left me in awe.

There were numerous encounters. Sometimes it was only a moment when asked to take someone’s photo; sometimes it was an exchange of travel tales. I chatted at length with a couple from France who had traveled from Vancouver and had spent the last two months making their way east. There was never a shortage of exchanges, when desired.

Admittedly, traveling for a week in a rented car from NYC is not inexpensive. Even while keeping my costs down: reasonably priced hotels, camping and a hostel, eating well but not in high end places, the fuel, tourist sites, food and lodging equalled more than a month of travel in Mongolia, but it is unfair to compare.

Once again I have  encountered the benevolence of others(the shopkeepers, fellow drivers, who directed my way, travelers and residents alike), seen spectacular sights, and reveled in the joys of travel.

Thank you for taking the time to read my post! Welcome to the tales of a woman solo traveler and thoughts to make today the start of something new. I hope you find information and inspiration in the text and images and join me in my quest for growth, wonderment and self-improvement.


Some images along old rte 17, the Seaway Trail and Niagara Falls

A brief stop near rte 17- I didn’t stay here but I like the old time feel.
Rural mailboxes 
Original main entryway to the 1890 House Museum in Cortland NY
An apple picker from Mexico who kindly let me take this photo.
Chimney Bluffs State Park
Dusk along Lake Ontario in Hamlin Beach State Park



Rainbows are an added magical touch to the Falls
From the bow of the Canadian Hornblower ship en route to the base of the Falls
The American Maid of the Mist
The American Falls
The Whirlpool Aero car north of the Falls
Mist from the Falls
Yet another one of the many photos, I could not resist taking of these natural wonders.
Ontario from the American side
The end of a perfect day.

Thank you for taking the time to read my post! Welcome to the tales of a woman solo traveler and thoughts to make today the start of something new. I hope you find information and inspiration in the text and images and join me in my quest for growth, wonderment and self-improvement.