One of the primary considerations we have while traveling is insuring that our funds outlast our journey.Unfortunately there are endless ways to see our money leave our hands faster than it should.

One of the challenges of foreign travel is managing unfamiliar currency. It can be freeing when we momentarily pretend we are playing with Monopoly money but it can be disconcerting when we recognize that we have squandered away our precious savings.

P1040464We are rarely exempt from getting hit with at least one exorbitant bill. Perhaps it is from confusion, a misunderstanding, inattention or downright dishonesty.Perhaps after agreeing on an excursion we find ourselves with all these pricey additional fees. We may encounter an unscrupulous taxi driver who holds our bags ransom until he is paid his fraudulent fare. Perhaps the quality and value of some “treasure” we bought does not correspond to the amount we gave. We might order a “special” at a restaurant and fail to ask the price. Or we thought the expenses were going to be shared, but find ourselves-alone paying the entire bill.

Sometimes the incidents are less costly but no less disconcerting. Perhaps we exchange money on the street expecting a good rate only to find it wasn’t. Or we are quoted a price that seems fair, but realize too late that it should have been a fraction of that.

Unpleasant monetary experiences are never fun, and I’ve had my share, but I also try not to let it ruin my day nor influence my opinion of the land.

It helps to speak with others. Don’t rush into buying anything. Act confident and savvy, even if you may not feel it and do some research when you can. Negotiate all prices clearly before engaging in any service or purchase.  If possible, only use ATMs or banks you know, to get the local currency.

Do what you can to avoid any unpleasant life lessons but note that although caution and experience help, it is difficult to be entirely immune.

If/when it happens to you chalk it up, get your smile back and take note of the tale you now have to tell, even if it was hard won.

Thank you for taking the time to read my post! Welcome to the tales of a woman solo traveler and thoughts to make today the start of something new. I hope you find information and inspiration in the text and images and join me in my quest for growth, wonderment and self-improvement