P1010010Birds do it, bees do it, even fleas do it and I’m not talking about falling in love.

Traveling to certain parts of the world acquaints us with new methods and challenges of a rather delicate nature.

Perhaps all you have ever seen, and ever care to see, is a sit down toilet accompanied by toilet paper disposed of in the aforementioned. And the thought of anything other than this is unimaginable,  But before you strike all foreign travel off your list, let me try to abate your apprehensions.

Rest assured that what initially seems unusual, can quickly become commonplace; humans are highly adaptable.

Many countries outside the US and Europe have toilets whose pipes withstand sewage but not toilet paper. In such instances there will be a wastebasket nearby and proper etiquette encourages a “jelly side down” approach. Do let your imagination run wild. I’ve dealt with dirtier restrooms here in my own hometown.

Elsewhere you may find a pail and a scoop with no paper. Do not panic. Take the scoop with your right hand, fill it with water and wash with your left. The water and scoop, when used properly, are kept clean and afterwards you should be too.  If the pail is running low on water, fill it up for the next person. A spigot will be nearby. Have a small bottle or bar of soap handy and wash your hands thoroughly. It is a highly effective and sanitary system.

Some countries have hoses that extend from the toilet. The concept is similar to the one above with an added convenience.

Sit down toilets are not everywhere and you may find yourself confronting a ceramic hole in the floor that may or may not flush (a bucket of water will be used for the latter) or some variation such as a very large hole in the ground with wide slabs of wood positioned atop for you to stand on; there may even be less, much less.  No matter what your gender a crouch or squat, nothing fancy, will be required at some point. If you have ever been camping you know the routine. If not, practice a bit at home. Your confidence and leg muscles will be stronger in no time.

A sense of privacy might also vary throughout the world. I have been on long bus rides where a “bathroom break” was a stop on the side of the road. Women might wrap a shirt or sweater around their waist as a kind of curtain, wear a skirt or, like the men, simply turn their backs . For obvious reason,  carry some tissues, toilet paper or a package of wet ones.  If need be, you can dispose of the paper in a plastic bag and discard it later. It’s simpler than it seems and not having to wait in a long queue is admittedly delightful.

Do not be dissuaded. Keep an open mind and do it.

Thank you for taking the time to read my post! Welcome to the tales of a woman solo traveler and thoughts to make today the start of something new. I hope you find information and inspiration in the text and images and join me in my quest for growth, wonderment and self-improvement.





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