P1050370While traveling we hope for the best and ideally prepare for everything else. Traveling alone requires a few additional precautions, particularly if you prefer or are unable to enlist the help of the cavalry, friends, or family.

None of what I suggest is original or new, but what follows is a gentle reminder of some prudent steps to take. As I mentioned in my previous post insurance is highly recommended, however, even with insurance immediate assistance may not be attainable. It is strongly advised that all your important backup information is safe, secure, but accessible. It is best to carry copies of your credit cards, emergency contacts, passwords, passport, etc. with some encryption or missing details that you can easily fill in yourself. If there is a loss or theft, replacement credit cards can be sent but that may take a few days. If you do not have someone to wire you money or if it is not feasible, you may find yourself uncomfortably dependent upon the kindness of strangers. Try to always keep an additional credit card, extra money and a hidden emergency stash of both in separate places.

If you are traveling in questionable areas, take the absolute minimum with you. Some people even carry a “dummy” wallet with expired credit cards and some cash. I’ve never done this myself, but it may be a good idea. Most importantly try to avoid being a target, use good common sense, and exude a sense of confidence.

Traveling alone is an extraordinary experience that continues to enrich my life in countless ways. But every once in a while there is bound to be a snag. It’s nice to have a Plan B.

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