P1030152I did not err; there does a sable cloud, Turn forth her silver lining on the night    John Milton

Catastrophes and devastation have always impacted the human race . They are often the most potent catalysts for cherishing  one’s existence.

I recall in the 80’s the tragic accounts of people whose lives were being snuffed out by AIDS. Each hour was now incredibly precious, no moment was taken for granted. I benefited from their insight; saddened for those whose imminent demise gave me a heightened appreciation for each day.

We have likely all learned important lessons from the tragedies that befall us or others around us. We can think of this knowledge as the silver lining in even the darkest of clouds.


Thank you for taking the time to read my post! Welcome to the tales of a woman solo traveler and thoughts to make today the start of something new. I hope you find information and inspiration in the text and images and join me in my quest for growth, wonderment and self-improvement

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