IMG_4027Children are extraordinary. They can convert anything they have into a toy or game or use nothing at all to have fun.

In our travels we are bound to see different cultures and living conditions, perhaps interpreting them as deficient to our own. But before we start giving the children things to “enrich” their lives, it is probably best to think about the effects of such benevolent gestures.

My encounters with children have varied: I’ve kicked a ball around with a group of kids. I’ve attempted to speak a few words of their language while teaching them a few words of my own. I’ve watched them play. I have shared some of my food. I have seen their curiosity, their openness, their innocence.

I have also encountered children who tag along in pursuit of money or candy and nothing more. The only words they know and use beseech me to give. They have no interest in my culture, or me beyond what I possess. Their curiosity, their openness, their innocence has been replaced some time ago with the desire to acquire what they had not known they lacked.

I have encountered homeless children selling things out in the street or offering a service such as a shoeshine. What is best to do is not always obvious. I may buy something, discreetly, as to not encourage a drove of eager vendors or offer the children some food.

If we wish to give, then let us do so responsibly. Perhaps we can donate health or school supplies, assist with a lesson, offer a hand in someway, etc..

Let us try to know these people first. Let us try to have them know us. Perhaps it’s just an exchange of names, but we are now individuals with gifts of our own to share.

Thank you for taking the time to read my post! Welcome to the tales of a woman solo traveler and thoughts to make today the start of something new. I hope you find information and inspiration in the text and images and join me in my quest for growth, wonderment and self-improvement.



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