I’ve been absolutely terrified every moment of my life-and I’ve never let it keep me from doing a single thing I wanted to do.

Georgia O’Keeffe

Thank you subscribers and readers for taking the time to visit my blog!!

If this is the first time you are visiting the site, welcome to the tales of a woman solo traveler and thoughts to make today the start of something new.

Although I take a break during the weekends, I’ll be back on Monday and would be delighted, in the meantime, if you would look through my previous posts. Perhaps you missed a few or will reread one with a new perspective.There is a list of all the previous posts by title and date.

Since the configuration of the site may differ on your browser, perhaps you have not noticed the tabs which offer some additional information:Why this blog?, Images, How I Began, etc.

You can search certain posts by category: Practical Advice, Thoughts on Oneself, Snapshots, etc.

All of these may be at the very bottom of the posts.

While traveling I may not be posting each day. To be notified when I have written a new post please subscribe-of course its free.
I would be delighted if you would sign up.

I hope you find information and inspiration in the text and images and join me in my quest for growth, wonderment and self-improvement.

Here’s to new discoveries near and far!

Enjoy the days.


P1050554The art of storytelling has been around since ancient times; it has not lessened its power to enthrall. A talented raconteur can spark our emotions and bring an event imaginary or otherwise into our lives.

We are invited to envision a world molded by spoken words using methods no different from our forebears. The only special effects take place in our minds.

There is pleasure to be derived from a well spun tale .


P1010465Although I have always been social, I began noticing in college a feeling of depletion after spending time with a group of people. As a result I began gravitating toward one-on-one social situations or being alone. I generally seek quiet environments with a minimum of distractions and find pleasure in many solitary activities:reading, writing, drawing, etc..Yet, this does not discount the joy I find engaging in good conversation.

I recently heard someone describe the energy she derived from large social affairs. Although I can appreciate her sentiments, it is difficult for me to empathise.

Although I tended to think of an introvert as someone who is shy, it is now defined as one who generally prefers solitude to social situations. The woman mentioned above would likely be considered an extrovert. If neither describes you, perhaps the term ambivert is most suitable, a combination of the two.

Such labels are interesting, particularly as they evolve over time, but they are probably best used to provide some insight and acceptance of ourselves.


P1010855There was a time not too long ago when people speaking aloud on the streets, alone, might elicit a glance, a stare or an avoidance of some kind. But now I hear a stream of one way conversations that does not alarm the passersby.

We all assume, correctly or otherwise, that the person is engaged in a conversation with someone else via some means of technology.

But the prevalent solitary chatter still catches my ears and eyes.

I suppose as long as we do not forget how to speak to each other face to face there is no need for concern.


P1020799Local transportation is my preferred means of getting from place to place when traveling. It is an accessible manner of seeing the land and getting a small taste of life as a local.

Ones sense of security can differ greatly; encountering unfamiliar styles of driving is inevitable as are roads in various states of disrepair. I have often opted to sit up front to get the best views despite the occasional flinching.

I recall one trip that I was somewhat dreading, it was reported to be a very rough road and would last about seven hours. No seats in the front were available so from my aisle seat about midway back in the bus, the view was somewhat limited. I could see the trees and some distant views but not much more.

Arriving at the destination I was pleasantly surprised that the trip had not been nearly as arduous as I had imagined and commented to some fellow travelers of such. They however had sat up front and were recovering from the white knuckle close calls that I had been blissfully unaware of.

Nonetheless, we had all arrived safely. It was pleasing that I had not experienced anxiety once throughout the day.


P1050300During my last travels I met a man who stood heads above my own and looked physically capable for the work he did, construction. His arms and legs were covered in eye catching colorful tattoos and wore clothing to insure their display. He had quit his job to see the world and expressed his confidence in not worrying where his next paycheck was coming from.

I first met him generously pouring tequila in the glasses of a few contented fellow travelers with the requisite salt and lime in tow. When the bottle was empty he pulled out another. He seemed to have no difficulty consuming large quantities of the potent liquid nor behaving relatively sober.  He encouraged a festive joyous atmosphere and laughter easily followed his tales.

We were both staying at the same posada  for about four days and our paths would cross on occasion.

One night I had stepped out of my room. He was sitting alone at a large table in a roofless courtyard, the air was warm and lovely; we began talking. He seemed pleased to chat before going off to bed and I wasn’t particularly tired.

He surprised me by opening up rather quickly and it didn’t require many specific details before I understood the extent of his pain and his therapeutic use of alcohol. His imposing presence took on an altered demeanor. We talked at length as one would with a close friend.

But the light of the day seemed to replenish his armor. When I greeted him that morning it was as if our discussion had never happened.




He who loves, flies,runs,and rejoices; he is free and nothing holds him back.                                                                                Henri Matisse

Thank you subscribers and readers for taking the time to visit my blog!!

If this is the first time you are visiting the site, welcome to the tales of a woman solo traveler and thoughts to make today the start of something new.

Although I take a break during the weekends, I’ll be back on Monday and would be delighted, in the meantime, if you would look through my previous posts. Perhaps you missed a few or will reread one with a new perspective.There is a list of all the previous posts by title and date.

Since the configuration of the site may differ on your browser, perhaps you have not noticed the tabs which offer some additional information:Why this blog?, Images, How I Began, etc.

You can search certain posts by category: Practical Advice, Thoughts on Oneself, Snapshots, etc.

All of these may be at the very bottom of the posts.

While traveling I may not be posting each day. To be notified when I have written a new post please subscribe-of course its free.
I would be delighted if you would sign up.

I hope you find information and inspiration in the text and images and join me in my quest for growth, wonderment and self-improvement.

Here’s to new discoveries near and far!

Enjoy the days.



Derive happiness in oneself from a good day’s work, from illuminating the fog that surrounds us.                                      Henri Matisse

Thank you subscribers and readers for taking the time to visit my blog!!

If this is the first time you are visiting the site, welcome to the tales of a woman solo traveler and thoughts to make today the start of something new.

Although I take a break during the weekends, I’ll be back on Monday and would be delighted, in the meantime, if you would look through my previous posts. Perhaps you missed a few or will reread one with a new perspective.There is a list of all the previous posts by title and date.

Since the configuration of the site may differ on your browser, perhaps you have not noticed the tabs which offer some additional information:Why this blog?, Images, How I Began, etc.

You can search certain posts by category: Practical Advice, Thoughts on Oneself, Snapshots, etc.

All of these may be at the very bottom of the posts.

While traveling I may not be posting each day. To be notified when I have written a new post please subscribe-of course its free.
I would be delighted if you would sign up.

I hope you find information and inspiration in the text and images and join me in my quest for growth, wonderment and self-improvement.

Here’s to new discoveries near and far!

Enjoy the day.


P1010079There are few vistas comparable to those seen from high above.

I recall arriving above the clouds for the first time and realizing that this perspective was unattainable to my forbears living not that long ago.

Such opportunities are practically common place today, but they still leave me in awe.


P1000803We have heard sayings similar to “Each day offers a new start” but we seldom feel it is true. Our daily routines make us think otherwise. But a day away from home can make such sayings, no matter how cliched, resound with meaning. Each day will invariably offer new and different sights, new and different encounters. We find ourselves in unfamiliar circumstances and our thoughts and feelings may be unfamiliar too. New doesn’t imply easy or comfortable, on the contrary many people opt not to travel for this very reason, but new is often exciting and an opportunity to grow. And we need not be far from home.