Category Archives: VIEWPOINTS


P1050474Greenland rarely sparked my interest in the past. When I was younger I knew only that it was a large land mass with a lot of ice. I do not recall thinking there were any inhabitants. But now learning about the warming climate’s profound impact on the continent and its culture is sobering knowledge to acquire.

Many of the people have remained subsistence hunters relying on the ice to hunt for their food and their survival, but the ice is melting away and with it thousands of years of tradition.

It is painfully ironic that these distant communities have been living in balance with nature since the earliest dwellers, yet they are witnessing, before most of us, the resulting recklessness of others.


IMG_3523News reports are discussing the prevalent use of social media to disseminate rants of racism, hatred and prejudice. These reports may not represent a majority but it is particularly disturbing to find the youth expressing such sentiments at all. Despite our progress, disdain for others lingers on.  Actions have been taken to block such messages on campuses and in schools but is that just putting a band-aid on a gaping wound?

We all need to address why such sentiments continue today.

Nothing good can come from them.

Wouldn’t it be easier for us all to appreciate the diversities and accentuate the similarities we find amongst ourselves?







IMG_3637Reasons for travel are personal and may vary from year to year. But a journey might be guided by art and the city that possesses it.
Museums in particular have a strong appeal. The Louvre in Paris, the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City, the British Museum in London, the State Hermitage in St.Petersburg, the Prado in Madrid, the Uffizi Gallery in Florence, the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam and the Smithsonian Institution in Washington,D.C. all possess breathtaking collections, and a list of venues goes on and on.

Perhaps if you do not know where to venture next, you might consider getting lost amongst precious items, wandering through timeless treasures, or discovering work that hasn’t received the attention it deserves. Whether your response to art is visceral, intellectual or both, the experience is likely to be memorable no matter what.


P1060327Technology keeps us busier than ever before. Although it was originally envisioned as a means of providing us with more leisure time, it has engendered constant accountability and accessibility. In addition, many of us seek our entertainment through an endless stream of stimuli. Let us not forget how to unplug. The simple life still offers many pleasures.


P1040045Why is a woman less likely to dine alone than a man?

With the evolution of choices we see in the lives of men and women today, certain roles somehow persist.

While traveling alone, the questions that come up most often pertain to my alleged vulnerability,  as a woman. I do not contest the concern, but I question the proportion of risk to the perception of a woman’s safety, notwithstanding the countries or places where it might be unwise to visit,  for anyone.

Fear or even the prospect of embarrassment are powerful deterrents. But I am hoping that the women who would like to venture out alone for an evening, weekend, or vacation are decreasingly thwarted by residual stereotypes and just go.




P1000925Riding my bicycle, in my college days, on a rural road in Upstate NY I met a grizzled, weathered farmer-I had probably stopped to ask directions. We started chatting and he mentioned, I’m not sure why, a house not far away where “five women lived alone.” These contradictory terms did not faze him and the implicit meaning was clear; there were no men living in the house. I was struck and somewhat amused by his choice of words.

His sentiments may not have been common, but have they been altogether eradicated?

I wonder if  “men alone”  conjures images of a man and his solitude whereas “women alone”  still implies the absence of men. If so, it would be rather curious, wouldn’t it?



P1020483I called a local cinema, inquiring the actual starting time for a movie; they are known for film shorts and lengthy previews prior to their screenings. No one answered and the recording asked that I leave a message.

My expectation for any response was tempered at best. However, it wasn’t long afterwards that I did. The tone of the message was unexpectedly warm and caring . The caller not only gave the information I requested but advised that I arrive early because the director would be in attendance and the screening was likely to sell out. She wished me an enjoyable evening and offered her assistance with any other questions I might have.

Later, I arrived at the theatre by the suggested time, secured my tickets, and noticed an open door to an office, just off the lobby. I asked the ticket seller if that was the manager, and if so, could I speak with her. In moments I was thanking the manager for her call.
It reminded me that all too often we are eager to voice our dissatisfaction in untold situations, but reticent in offering our gratitude and praise.
 Thank you for taking the time to read my post! Welcome to the tales of a woman solo traveler and thoughts to make today the start of something new. I hope you find information and inspiration in the text and images and join me in my quest for growth, wonderment and self-improvement


P1040260As Ebola continues to rage, capturing lives, headlines and our imaginations, people are hysterical. For those stricken with, or in close contact with the disease, panic and fear are highly understandable. But what about the rest of us?

As we get behind the wheel of a car, maybe while impaired, cross streets while our ears are plugged with music and our minds are elsewhere, or indulge in unhealthy lifestyles, aren’t we in far greater danger?

Shouldn’t we be focusing on the mundane choices we make daily? They are far more likely to determine our longevity than the sensational threats which abound in the media.

Perhaps now should be the time to examine the way we live our lives and evaluate what we are doing to stay healthy and alive.


Thank you for taking the time to read my post! Welcome to the tales of a woman solo traveler and thoughts to make today the start of something new. I hope you find information and inspiration in the text and images and join me in my quest for growth, wonderment and self-improvement


P1040501My neighborhood, as in many parts of Brooklyn, New York is experiencing an economic boom. Wonderful news for some, but for others, less so.

If you wish to buy a box of cereal on your way home, you’ll need to walk a few more blocks to the supermarket. The shop that has been on your corner for the past 20 years has just closed. The funky joint that you stopped in for a beer, pizza and some live music has recently shut its doors too. The cute, albeit, expensive cafe and bakery is gone. And the green grocer, where you bought your flowers and plants, packed up before you had time to say goodbye.

I am missing the faces and places I came to know and rely on. Their absence chips away at the unique emblems of this community; it is unlikely a mom and pop will be moving in. All of these storefronts remain vacant to date.

Renters are inadequately protected from owners who seek unbridled profits.

The hardware store on Flatbush Avenue, displaying for decades an array of antique tools, each with its own esthetic elegance, has just placed a For Rent sign in its window.

I suspect it is just a matter of time before the traditional Chinese Laundry moves on to less expensive digs; perhaps I will be doing the same.



Thank you for taking the time to read my post! Welcome to the tales of a woman solo traveler and thoughts to make today the start of something new. I hope you find information and inspiration in the text and images and join me in my quest for growth, wonderment and self-improvement